Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, Knowledge & Education, The Media, Entertainment, Leisure & Wealth Deployment, Money Transfer, Distribution systems, Betting & Gambling.
Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, The Media, Leisure & Wealth Deployment, Road, Rail, Water, Air, Pumping, Transport Systems, Movement of Goods, Personal Travel, Distribution Systems, Computing, Energy & Transport.
Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, Development of Agriculture - social, technologies, processes, town symbiosis, World patterns - trade in food, Balance of production with demand & population, Processed & manufactured food, Stimulants & drugs, Fishing, Storage of food.
Dwellings, homes, houses - Technologies, financing, Large Structures - factories, offices, temples, entertainment halls, Technologies, Infrastructure, Bricks, Pottery, Glass, Cement, Timber & Furniture. From other Areas: Transport - Road/Rail, Energy, Computing, Town - Country Symbiosis.
Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, Early fuels to energy materials, Dwelling & homes, Large Buildings & Industry, Transport, Coal, Oil & Gas, Electricity & Gas distribution.
Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, Distribution systems, Leisure & Wealth Deployment - Maslov's needs, Development of Manufacturing, Computing, Productivity & Automation, Materials - Mining, Metals, Chemicals, Components & Equipment, Measuring Devices, Engineering, Equipment Manufacture, Consumer Manufacture, Clothing & Footwear, Vehicles, Household, Sport & Hobby, Hygiene, Washing, Toiletries, Adornment - fashion, jewellery make-up.
Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, Money Transfer, Banking, Banking Stability, Business Cycles, Financing of Enterprises, Savings - Savers - what is done with saved resources, insurance - distribution of insurance, Markets, Inflation, Credit.
Distribution systems, Development of Industry & Commerce - information flows, Money Transfer, Leisure & Wealth Deployment - Maslov's needs, Markets, Movement of Goods, Packaging & the Distribution Process, Wholesalers & Retailers.
Health - technologies, plagues, Experts, Personal Services - Role of Women, Courtship & Marriage, Dance, Social Services, unemployment, large enterprises, Product Services, Professional Services, Knowledge & Education, Leisure & Wealth Deployment - Maslov's needs, Productivity & Automation, Computing.
Man's Humanity to Man, Forms of Government, Suppression, Aggression: wars, violence, Business Wars, Robber & Thief, Taxation (Robbery, Tribute, Tax) - tax avoidance & evasion - underground economy, Inflation, Development of organizational size & form - industrial democracy, Provision of Services: running businesses, Government as a wealth creating/absorbing enterprise, proportion of wealth consumed, Utilities, waste & recycling, Religion, Laws, Crime & punishment, Economic Growth - conditions for.
A small set of Scenarios for a firm will have Sectors selected mainly from one Area, with some Sectors from other Areas as relevant to the firm. A large firm may have Sectors from several Areas. For each Sector selected the results of the Historical Analysis is given of the long running trends, leading to Scenarios for the Sector. These also contain impacts from all other Sectors of the Business Trends Library. It is some of these B-Sector Scenarios which are available in Open Access.
Considers impact of trends from other Areas of the Library to give the majors trends operating relevant to the firm. This might Include: the rise of Service Sectors, Manufacturing and New World Trading Patterns, features of the advanced countries and their relation to the rest of the world. The Sector Scenarios are brought together. These are termed C-Sector Scenarios and are not available in Open Access.
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