1. Food Gathering Only own cooking -------------- 2. Agriculture Some form of keeping crops between seasons - generally grains ----------- 3. Simple Technology Own cooking in pottery containers ----------------- Salting down meat (but small part of diet) (4) City State Developed storage particularly in fortified ---------- sites: grains, oils (5) Empire (Roman) Large centrally organised storage. -------------- Small scale catering common - restaurants, inns, bars for refreshments & socialising Specialised trades - baking, butchers Manufacture & long distance trade in various pastes and wines ---------------------------------------------------------------- (6) Medieval (Europe) Bakers (bring your own dough) Late in period, Inns and catering for travellers (7) Industrial Inns increase Revolution ----------- (8) Consumer Society Development of cooked and tinned food - ---------------- long term storage, ready to eat Hotels (9) Mass Production Refrigeration - long term storage & long Society distance trade possible --------------- Development of factory processed convenience foods - less own cooking, combined with Increase in eating out - restaurants Labour intensity of restaurants causes switch to fast food franchises - plugged into standard central manufacturing & marketing. Number of traditional restaurants declines Increase of women in work increases use of convenience manufactured foods
Consumption of most foods is limited by the ability to store then between seasons. The Constant Trend is for an increase in the ability to so store and preserve. This results in more food consumed (and larger populations).
Much of the cost of perishable foods is the rapid distribution necessary, and losses during it. As technology enables storage, so the range of foods available increases, and distribution costs decline, with trade in food products over a longer distance occurring.
There is a Constant Trend of more food preparation being done outside the home. Mass Production methods enable work to move out of the kitchen into factories. Increased travel also leads to catering - at higher levels of development there is a social and leisure element.
The Constant Trends are expected to continue to operate in ample measure. It
will be aided by parallel trends from
here it is envisaged that the substantial vestige of the primitive economy
remaining in our society will be progressively reduced in the Post Industrial
period. By primitive economy we mean those things which man has to do for
himself - and is largely centred on the home. It will be progressively
reduced by automated machinery and the
These developments are necessary if the current trends
of women's participation in work are to be completed, with similar
participation rates for men and women
(from Role of Women). This will provide a strong
demand pull in the market.
In the Food Area these forces will continue to encourage food preparation to
move out of the kitchen into the factory. In order to examine the extent
to which this may occur, one needs to consider what is technologically
feasible, and what are the human motivations. It is technologically
feasible to prepare quite complex meals in a factory, preserve them by
freezing, and for them to be brought to a serving state virtually
instantly through microwave ovens - indeed simpler meals are already
available on such principles. While an increase on what is already available
is to be expected, the final state may not go to what is possible. This is
because people derive a sense of achievement in preparing a meal, which is
likely to lead to increased factory preparation of the individual
ingredients, allowing the person to assemble the meal, aided by more
advance machinery in the home.
A strong influence here is due to the rising employment rates among women.
These have been steadily rising for many decades -- and within a decade or
two are likely to approach those of men (from Role of Women). This can only
occur with a continual reduction on time spent on housework - for which
processed food is expected to play a part.
In these developments the processing and storage have gone hand-in-hand.
Research will continue to be necessary on how to progressively cook foodstuffs,
store them (mainly be not exclusively) by freezing, and bring them back to
the serving state as if they had just been cooked. So far the reputation
of such products has not been good. We can expect research to gradually
increase the quality up to, and in many cases beyond, what the consumer
could do for himself. Upon this will depend the extent to which the consumer
will buy the complete meal, or item, or just the semi-processed
In fact we believe the complete factory processed meal will be taken up
first in restaurant chains. These trends are already quite advanced in the
fast food chains, where most of the meals are manufactured and semi cooked
in central factories, leaving only simple frying or heating operations at
the outlets.
This we can expect more of the work to be done centrally, gradually more
complete meals of greater variety to be produced, with a warming up
operation in the restaurant. Gradually, the more quality restaurant will
operate on this principle, especially those forming chains. This will help
impact on the high labour intensity of restaurants, and the high waste, so
reducing their cost (which has been rising in real terms) - whence eating out
will increase.
Up grading pub food on these principles can be detected, and will continue -
pubs are likely to become social eating and drink places (occurring).
These developments lend themselves to vending hot food (so far confined to
drinks and cold items - the quality of the drinks being inferior but has
gradually improved). We may expect the range of items vended to increase,
including an increasing range of hot food items. They may well begin to
provide catering at small sites, and gradually take over from canteens on
larger sites.
There is expected to be an increase in the range of food stuffs that can be
preserved through technological development, possibly using lower
temperatures through cryogenics technology. Each product has its own
problems, but it is expected that gradually more foot stuffs which are
at present seasonal will become available all the year round in something
like their fresh state.
Automation and the Computer-Media can be expected
to increase automated methods in food processing and manufacture. For
example, formerly hand operation of cutting chops are now done by
machine, and automatically packaged, weighed and priced. More complex
tasks will gradually go in this direction - but more rapid short term
developments may be seen in the
packaging end.
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