The Business Trends Library is constructed by breaking down each Major Business Area into its constituent Sectors. The development of each Sector is traced. The objective is to identify the trend or trends which have operated
One is then in a position to consider how the past trend or trends will roll over into the future period, and
In putting Scenarios together for a client from the Business Trends Library, Sectors are selected which are relevant to the client. Attempts are made to select Sectors so the document forms a coherent whole. But in some case trends may have to be quoted from other Major Business Areas which are not specifically covered. More information can be supplied where the client feels this is necessary, and hypertext links may take you to these parts of the Library.
The starting point is the stages of economic development shown in the following Table. This is divided into two parts, representing the fact that development has not been continuous - there have always been regressive periods. The second part picks up the development into our own time.
Stages of Economic Development