This Government Area C-Sector Scenario from the Business Trends Library causes an Impact on the Scenario you may have just been viewing.

C-Sector Scenarios are not available in Open Access. C-Sector Scenarios are described in List Sectors in Open Access. They are provided in Part C of Scenarios from the Business Trends Library - which collects summaries of the Sector Scenarios in one place, giving Part C Development of Trends in the Future.

C-Sector Scenarios are either summaries of Sector Scenarios provided under Part B (of Historical Analysis to produce Constant Trends) or they are summaries of Major Trends - and a selection of such C-Sector Scenarios will be provided to give a picture of the Post Industrial Society (where the individual Sector Scenarios may not be provided under Part B).

This is a Government C-Sector Scenario, identified as an Impact. Governnent Area Sectors are not generally open to the public as the Government Area is more complicated than other Business Areas, and we prefer that firms have worked with the Business Trends Library before embarking on Sectors from the Government Area. If having received Scenarios from the Business Trends Library, and Impacts from Sectors of the Government Area are established as important for the firm, then the firm can apply to receive such Government Area Sectors in the same way as it can apply to receive Sectors underlying any other C-Sector.

Cost of Post Industrial Government activities soars beyond what their people are prepared to pay, giving the Underground Economy and government borrowing. This Summary discusses the reasons for the soaring costs, the anthropology of the ruling elites, who they are, what motivates them to extend their influence, their lack of experience in running things, a catalogue of the damage they do. Concept of labour intensity and productivity improvement - largely absent in government run organisations - and a cause of the soaring costs.

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