You will appreciate the power of the Business Trends Library in bringing you Impacts which may affect your firm, which may arise a long way from your usual purview. People doing Business Environment Assessment generally do not look wide enough to discover Impacts which may affect them. This builds up to the conclusion that Scenarios need to be drawn from a comprehensive Data Base of the Business Environment. This you will get if you subscribe to Scenarios from the Business Trends Library.
Where an impact comes from a Sector which itself is in Open Access you will see how this operates, and how you can evaluate yourself how the Impact arises and its effect on your firm.
Who get the surplus depends on bargaining power - who has the owners, related to productivity & economic growth. State take problem of our times - what is the ultimate? - the underground economy - its future?
How wealth is deployed - changes of deployment in Food, Shelter, Religion, Travel, Entertainment, Warfare, Stimulants, Health with economic growth. Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs governs much of consumption patterns which fundamentally change with economic level.
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